Here is me at 37 weeks. This was a couple days before I had Ethan. Yes I was about to pop and my stomach was heavy. I felt like I was carrying around a cement bag. Not fun. But I should be grateful for one thing, I didn't get one stretch mark.
So Monday Sept 14 my water bag started leaking. It wasnt a huge gush like in the movies. It was like a drip drop here and there. So I wasnt for sure. Little did I know what events would take place later that day. So I called my OB and waited for them to call me!
So I was busy nesting. I guess some people start nesting weeks before their baby comes. But I was last minuet and started nesting the day of. I was busy scrubbing and washing our stairs. Josh came home from lunch and I told him about everything.
Finally at1:30pm. They told me to come in right away to have the fluid checked. So I get in there, feeling really silly. Because what if this wasnt my water leaking... So she tested the fluid and sure enough my bag was leaking. She even did a u/s and saw that the fluid was going down. So she said this is it! Your going to have a baby today! I was in complete shock to say the least. She thought I was going to cry. But I wasnt I was just suprised... TODAY?! what... oh well. So off I went to the hospital.
I called Josh right away and told him our kid was on his way. He was surprised too. He headed home to get everything. Good thing I packed a bag a couple days before. After checking in I called Josh again.. he was on his way, but he couldnt figure out how to get the infant car seat unhooked off of the stroller.

So I go to the labor and delivery unit. And I was standing there in front of a very long pink counter. And there were about 8 people all sitting next to each other working behind the counter. No one really acknowledged me for like 5-8 min.. I was just standing there. Feeling dumb, leaking my water bag. Finally someone is like OH can we help you. (YA IM HAVING MY KID!) I told them, Um I guess Im having my kid today. They were confused I guess they missed the memo...then they called my OB doc, then they got in with the program and I got a big room and a huge gown.

Then the nurse came and pooked and attached all this stuff to me. I had a pulse thing on my finger, I had Ethans heart beat monitor on my stomach ( a round thing ) and one monitoring my contractions, and I have a blood pressure thing that keep going off and getting tight every so many min around my arm. I also had a IV stuck into my arm...good times.. Josh was still on his way... And then they started me on Pitocin. A medicne that gets your contractions going. P.S. it makes your labor worse...thats nice, that was one thing I could check off the "things I dont want to happened when I have my kid" list... sigh..

The above picture is a picture of the crazy contractions I was having when I first got hooked up at the Hospital. It was around 3ish. And I didnt feel one thing...craziness! The nurse kept coming in and upping my pitocin medicine. And I still didnt feel anything. So I was in labor but didnt know it or feel it...
So Josh got to the hospital. I wish he was there sooner during the whole hooking up process. But he made it. So we just sat there and hung out. And then my friend Stephanie came too. Turns out I couldn't eat anything but liquids and clear stuff! Which totally stunk! I didnt even eat anything all day. Oh well I enjoyed my cherry jello. It was good too. And I sat there wondering how in the world does there jello turn out? When ever I make jello it always has weird rubbery hard spots... HA.. Stephanie left around 6ish, still didn't feel anything. I did feel a little bit of pressure. But that wasnt really anything new. I had a big baby pressing down on my organs and stuff so I was used to feeling uncomfortable.
I forgot to add that they hooked me up to a fluid bag. So I had extra fluid running into me. And if your pregnant you know what that means. This made it a hundred times worse. Because it was constant liquid flowing into my body. So I had to get up to go pee every 2-5 min! Im not exaggerating!
It felt like a life time to get to the bathroom. Remeber all that stuff I was hooked up to? I had to unhook it all off of me. And then since I was connected to a IV, which had my lovely extra fluid bag, and my pitocin flowing into me. I had to have one of those medicine things on wheels. So after getting everything unhooked, unsnapped and hung up. I had to head to the bathroom with my little wheel thing wheeling along... Then after all that chain of events. Id make it to my long awaited destination. With nothing more than a little drop from my bladder. Honestly! It felt liek I hadnt gone in like 2 wholes days...
Well on one of these bathroom trips, as my dear husband was unhooking me. At 10:30pm,all hell broke loose. I was getting ready to wheel my way to the bathroom. When a big splash happened. And let me tell you that was like the movies. I stood there in complete awe as about 1 gallon of water flew out onto the floor...nice...ugh... And I said OH NO. And Josh was like what. And I said UM MY WATER BROKE, LOOK ITS ALL ON THE FLOOR call a nurse... So he pressed the button and the nurse came in.
Oh I forgot to mention that the second my water broke. I was in complete pain! I could barely move I was standing there in soo much pain. I could barely get back into bed. This must be what it feels like to get ran over by a truck. As I sat there 30 min by 30 min in agonizing pain I could not breath. I could not breath at all. was gasping and gasping and freaking out. It was scary. So I kept going. I DID NOT want to get the EPIDURAL. But after a hour or so, and getting to 5 1/2 centimeters, I got it. And let me tell you. It was freaky, it felt like the strangest thing as they were putting this in my back. And I had to stay completely still. Even though I was still in pain from all the contractions. And then after the guy was done I laid down. And felt amazing!
I think a epidural is like a percentage of what heaven feels like. No lie. I felt amazing. After that I finally could breath and I could finally take a break and rest! But I actually didn't get that much rest. Because my stinkin blood pressure thing kept tightening around my arm so many min, and then my pulse thing on my finger was supper sensitive so every single time it lost my pulse it would go all crazy making this stupid beeping noise.
Then the nurse kept coming in and having my lay in different positions, because the baby was in some kind of distress... Then at 2am she checked me and I was 7cm, and she woke up Josh. I was excited it was almost time. I was progressing quickly. But then the nurse came in about 20 min later and said I have to have a C-section! WHAT! Are you serious. Then about 5 min later all these people came in, including my OB Doc. I had to sign this waiver. Then off they ran rolled me to the operating room.
Now my C-section was nothing like the baby story on TLC. They rushed me in there. Basically threw me on the flat operating bed. Put up the sheet, asked me if I could feel them poking me, then they started cutting. After that the anesthesiologist asked if my Epidural will last the surgery. WEll thats nice to know.. But the OB said we dont have time to think about that I gotta get this baby out. And I asked for my husband, but he couldn't be in there. So I was extra scared. It would of been better with him.
I forgot to mention they didnt have the table all the way set up. Usually they have somewhere to put your arms. Well those pieces where not attached. So I had to keep my hands by neck. After a quick while I felt this huge push and tug. And Ethan was out. But he didnt cry. I asked them why isint he crying. And they said he was ok. But he still didnt cry. And then finally I heard him cry. Turns out they had to resuscitate him. So that was really scary!
Now let me add when your baby comes out, he/she is not going to look amazing. They arent going to have a beautiful glow around them. They are going to be gooy, bloody and swollen! And in some cases there head is mishaped for awhile, since it has to squeeze down the birth canal. So here is what Ethan looked like right after he was born. But no matter what you will be amazed to see your baby. And they will look perfect to you.

He was 7 pounds 2 oz and 19 inches long. I could not believe he was 7 pounds! Mainly because he was 3 weeks early. And they say a baby at the end grows a 1/2 a pound a week, so if he went full term he would of been much bigger yikes. The first time I saw him was when Josh got to come into the operating room after everything was done. He got to hold him first and he showed me the baby. I thought something was wrong with him because his eyes were kind of cross eye... lol.
Also it turns out he had a prolapsed cord. His cord went out before him in the birth canal. So he was crimping it, making him unable to breath in there. I read online that 20% of babies which that happens to are born dead or brain dead, because of the lack of oxygen. God was definataly watching over us. And I know angels were with us that night.

So Josh got to the hospital. I wish he was there sooner during the whole hooking up process. But he made it. So we just sat there and hung out. And then my friend Stephanie came too. Turns out I couldn't eat anything but liquids and clear stuff! Which totally stunk! I didnt even eat anything all day. Oh well I enjoyed my cherry jello. It was good too. And I sat there wondering how in the world does there jello turn out? When ever I make jello it always has weird rubbery hard spots... HA.. Stephanie left around 6ish, still didn't feel anything. I did feel a little bit of pressure. But that wasnt really anything new. I had a big baby pressing down on my organs and stuff so I was used to feeling uncomfortable.
I forgot to add that they hooked me up to a fluid bag. So I had extra fluid running into me. And if your pregnant you know what that means. This made it a hundred times worse. Because it was constant liquid flowing into my body. So I had to get up to go pee every 2-5 min! Im not exaggerating!
It felt like a life time to get to the bathroom. Remeber all that stuff I was hooked up to? I had to unhook it all off of me. And then since I was connected to a IV, which had my lovely extra fluid bag, and my pitocin flowing into me. I had to have one of those medicine things on wheels. So after getting everything unhooked, unsnapped and hung up. I had to head to the bathroom with my little wheel thing wheeling along... Then after all that chain of events. Id make it to my long awaited destination. With nothing more than a little drop from my bladder. Honestly! It felt liek I hadnt gone in like 2 wholes days...
Well on one of these bathroom trips, as my dear husband was unhooking me. At 10:30pm,all hell broke loose. I was getting ready to wheel my way to the bathroom. When a big splash happened. And let me tell you that was like the movies. I stood there in complete awe as about 1 gallon of water flew out onto the floor...nice...ugh... And I said OH NO. And Josh was like what. And I said UM MY WATER BROKE, LOOK ITS ALL ON THE FLOOR call a nurse... So he pressed the button and the nurse came in.
Oh I forgot to mention that the second my water broke. I was in complete pain! I could barely move I was standing there in soo much pain. I could barely get back into bed. This must be what it feels like to get ran over by a truck. As I sat there 30 min by 30 min in agonizing pain I could not breath. I could not breath at all. was gasping and gasping and freaking out. It was scary. So I kept going. I DID NOT want to get the EPIDURAL. But after a hour or so, and getting to 5 1/2 centimeters, I got it. And let me tell you. It was freaky, it felt like the strangest thing as they were putting this in my back. And I had to stay completely still. Even though I was still in pain from all the contractions. And then after the guy was done I laid down. And felt amazing!
I think a epidural is like a percentage of what heaven feels like. No lie. I felt amazing. After that I finally could breath and I could finally take a break and rest! But I actually didn't get that much rest. Because my stinkin blood pressure thing kept tightening around my arm so many min, and then my pulse thing on my finger was supper sensitive so every single time it lost my pulse it would go all crazy making this stupid beeping noise.
Then the nurse kept coming in and having my lay in different positions, because the baby was in some kind of distress... Then at 2am she checked me and I was 7cm, and she woke up Josh. I was excited it was almost time. I was progressing quickly. But then the nurse came in about 20 min later and said I have to have a C-section! WHAT! Are you serious. Then about 5 min later all these people came in, including my OB Doc. I had to sign this waiver. Then off they ran rolled me to the operating room.
Now my C-section was nothing like the baby story on TLC. They rushed me in there. Basically threw me on the flat operating bed. Put up the sheet, asked me if I could feel them poking me, then they started cutting. After that the anesthesiologist asked if my Epidural will last the surgery. WEll thats nice to know.. But the OB said we dont have time to think about that I gotta get this baby out. And I asked for my husband, but he couldn't be in there. So I was extra scared. It would of been better with him.
I forgot to mention they didnt have the table all the way set up. Usually they have somewhere to put your arms. Well those pieces where not attached. So I had to keep my hands by neck. After a quick while I felt this huge push and tug. And Ethan was out. But he didnt cry. I asked them why isint he crying. And they said he was ok. But he still didnt cry. And then finally I heard him cry. Turns out they had to resuscitate him. So that was really scary!
Now let me add when your baby comes out, he/she is not going to look amazing. They arent going to have a beautiful glow around them. They are going to be gooy, bloody and swollen! And in some cases there head is mishaped for awhile, since it has to squeeze down the birth canal. So here is what Ethan looked like right after he was born. But no matter what you will be amazed to see your baby. And they will look perfect to you.
He was 7 pounds 2 oz and 19 inches long. I could not believe he was 7 pounds! Mainly because he was 3 weeks early. And they say a baby at the end grows a 1/2 a pound a week, so if he went full term he would of been much bigger yikes. The first time I saw him was when Josh got to come into the operating room after everything was done. He got to hold him first and he showed me the baby. I thought something was wrong with him because his eyes were kind of cross eye... lol.
Also it turns out he had a prolapsed cord. His cord went out before him in the birth canal. So he was crimping it, making him unable to breath in there. I read online that 20% of babies which that happens to are born dead or brain dead, because of the lack of oxygen. God was definataly watching over us. And I know angels were with us that night.
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